Are you just catching up
with us for our 5 day series on the 5 love languages? If you haven’t yet, the
link below will take you to the 5 love languages quiz so you will know what
yours is. It takes maybe 5 minutes to complete.
Day 1:
Acts of Service
Day 2: Quality Time
Day 3: Words of Affirmation
A very important thing to remember when giving words of
affirmation is to keep it sincere. You really don’t want to say something and
not mean it. That is not encouraging at all. If this is your spouse’s love
language and they are having a bad day (because let’s face it, we all have
those days) this would be the perfect time to give those words of affirmation
and make them feel loved. But that’s not only when you should use those affirming
words. It really should become a habit. Giving those affirming words when your
spouse has a bad day is great but for it to become a daily thing would all
around be better. That way they are getting those uplifting and encouraging
words daily instead of every now and then.
You don't always have to use words to show affirmation. You can get creative with it and maybe leave a note somewhere that they will see it or possibly get them a card and not only write "Love, so and so" but actually write a little something.
This is my husband’s love language. I definitely know that
without a doubt. I try my best to compliment him daily because I want him to
not only know that I love him, but I want him to feel my love.
Is this your spouse’s love language? Here’s your challenge
Call your spouse and give them a good ole fashioned
compliment and encourage them today.
Is this your love language? Comment below and let me know or
let me know some words of affirmation you already use for your spouse.
{Reminder: Leaving a comment below automatically enters you
in for the drawing for a free surprise! Did I mention it's free?}
Lisa, I look forward to reading your blogs each day. This blog touched my heart as this is my love language. Thanks for the words of encouragement.