Thursday, April 17, 2014

Love all the people?

The other day I was driving home from church with my daughter Peyton. She is definiately a talker and loves to tell stories. Nothing she says surprises me anymore.

So as wer're driving, her talking, she says:
"I love my momma, and my daddy, and my grandma, and my grandpa, and my mimi, and my poppa. But that's a lot of people. How can we love all the people?"

I stopped and thought for a moment.
The answer is simple.
Just as Jesus did.

John 13:34-
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."
Because Jesus loves us and laid down His own life for us, not only should we love Him, but each other as well. With the same selfless love that He showed us.
Now I'm not saying people aren't going to make you mad, make your skin crawl, and be happy all the time. That's just not going to happen. But when that does happen, love. Always love. Show them the love of Jesus. -As hard as it will be- because in the end, all the arguing, screaming, fighting, isn't going to make anything better. All it will do is cause hardships and put a wedge further between you and the person. *Experience talking.

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