Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Who is closest to you?

We’ve all heard the saying. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.

This famous quote came from Sun Tzu who was a Chinese General and military strategist. The whole quote was meant for the military so they would know their enemy. They would know their strategies, weaknesses, strengths, likes and dislikes. That way they would successfully be able to attack the enemy.  


But in our Christian lives, the opposite couldn’t be any truer.


We all should surround ourselves with our Christian friends and keep them close by your side. These are the people that are going to encourage you, lift you up, pray for you, be there for you, bear your burdens  and give you that good Godly advice that we all so desperately need.


Am I saying that you can’t have friends that are non-Christians? No, I’m not saying that at all. If we did just that, how would we be able to lead anyone to Christ?


Mark 16:15

“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation


Anything in red always means that Jesus said it himself. And in my opinion, anything that Jesus says is very important. Pay attention to what He said: “go into ALL THE world..” which means everyone, no one excluded. So, no we are not supposed to only have Christian friends but we do need to keep them closest to us. How do you share the gospel with someone and not have some kind of relationship with them? You can’t. People are going to be more apt to listen to you if you have built some kind of relationship. Whether it’s going to the nail salon together, getting your hair done, shopping, hunting, fishing, whatever ya’ll like to do but build that relationship, get to know them. However, you don’t want those new relationships and non- Christian friends to be the ones that you go to for help, advice, encouragement, or prayer because they don’t share the same faith as you and aren’t going to give you the Godly advice like a Christian would because they don’t know the scripture and have that relationship with God.


Is there that one person that you can’t get close to? Can’t get along with? Can’t build that relationship with them? Scripture says:


Matthew 5:44

But I said to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

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