Each and every one of us fall into one of two categories.
A morning person2. Not a morning person.
I fall into the not a morning person category. I always hear and see people talk about how they get up super early and can do some house work, drink coffee, watch the news, read the paper, so on and so forth, all before work. Every night before bed I set my alarm for about 6:15am. Only to hit the snooze button till 7. I can’t help it, I like sleep. I have to be at work at 8 every morning and can get up at 7. Leaving me just enough time to get Peyton and me ready for the day. This may include laying something out for supper, getting my lunch ready and checking social media. But most of the time one or two or all of those things get left undone because I don’t have enough time. I want to be one of those people that are able to get up early and can do all of the things others can do before going to work. I really do. I just don’t think that is ever going to happen for me.
One week, I got so frustrated at getting up so late and not
being able to get everything done that I wanted to. Of course, I was trying to
do this on my own. So one day I just prayed to God that He would allow me to be
a morning person so I could get up and do everything that I needed to do before
work and not be rushed. This went on for several days.
Then one morning about 5 am, Peyton woke up, for no reason.
Since it was so early, I just put her back in bed and she went on to sleep. I
walked into the kitchen to get something and stepped in a big spot of pee. Our
dog decided to pee in the floor in the middle of the night, which she NEVER
does. I get it cleaned up (and my foot) and continued to the kitchen. Only to
step into another pile of pee. At this point, I was super frustrated. I can’t
believe that the dog peed in the floor not once but twice. And I managed to step into both piles. Sure it's funny now but then not so much. I turn the lights
on, clean up the second pile of pee and decide to go back upstairs to bed. It’s
about 5:30am now so that’s another hour and a half more sleep that I could get.
But no. That didn’t happen. I look in the living room to see piles of poop
everywhere. Y’all I promise our dog did not and still does not pee or poop in
the floor. Very irritated at this point, I clean up the poop, put the dog in
the kennel and figured it’s about 6 am so there’s really no point in going back
to bed. I have been up for an hour and would take me too long to go back to
sleep. So what do I do? Get ready for the day.
You see what God did? He granted me what I wanted. I was
able to get up early and get some things done without being rushed. He used unhappy
circumstances to do it but He did it. I can almost picture Him looking down that morning laughing and saying something like "You got what you asked for."
When we pray, we need to be more specific in what we pray
John 14:13-
“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the
Father may be glorified in the Son.”
Maybe I should have asked God to allow me to be a morning
person with no stresses in the mornings, nothing crazy happen, or to just let
me ease into a morning person. No, I went full force into just being a morning person I didn't care what happened to get me there.
I’m still not a morning person, but I don’t wait until as
late as possible to get out of bed anymore.
I get up around 7 every morning to be at work at 9. Today I woke up at 7 even though I didn't have to work, but at 7:30 mom calls to tell me she needs me to come in. If I wasn't a morning person I most likely would have still been in bed asleep and would have never heard her call