Some of you may or may not have already heard about or experienced the 15 Second Kiss Challenge. There's no rules and the name says it all. You kiss your spouse for 15 seconds. Why should you do this challenge? It will automatically draw you two closer. Let's think about it...
- How long is 15 seconds anyway? You might think that's a pretty long time to be kissing. Maybe, but you love your spouse so why not do it? You can easily spend 15 seconds doing anything at all. We do it all the time. Spending time on facebook, pinterest, around the house, watching TV, daydreaming. All of those things can be put aside for another time.
- After spending 15 seconds of amazing kissing, you will instantly feel closer to your spouse. And we all want to feel closer right?
- Kissing is like a drug. Once you have one of course you want to have more. Maybe you two have lost a little connection in certain areas. Start with the kissing challenge and you won't just feel closer, you will be closer.
So let's do it. Let's bring the kissing back in our marriages. Are ya'll one of the couples that can't keep their lips off each other? Good for ya'll! Keep it up. If you're the couple that have lost some kissing down the road somewhere, start with this challenge. I promise this will help your marriage.
Want to share what this challenge is doing for you? Comment below and let me know. Sharing is a great way to communicate, encourage, and help others.
Go on, pucker up!
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