Sunday, June 1, 2014

Burnt Toast

This is how our Saturday mornings usually go:

-Peyton gets up between 6:30-7 am.
- Watch TV
-Eat breakfast
-Watch more TV
-Eat lunch

Then after nap we usually get dressed and find something to do the rest of the day. That's not how yesterday went for us.

My alarm went off at 8 am. I knew we had to leave in an hour or so for a birthday party, so I got up and started getting ready. I noticed that Peyton was still asleep which is very rare. Actually, it's very strange because she usually only sleeps in on Sundays. I finished getting ready about 8:30 and went downstairs to wake her up. She was in a rather good mood. (I guess that's how it is when you don't get up super early for no reason at all.) After getting her in the living room, I put some bread on a pan to go into the oven to make toast. While the oven was warming up, I started washing dishes. Then my sweet sweet husband put the bread in the oven. When I finished washing dishes, I got Peyton dressed and teeth and hair brushed. The smoke alarm went off. The toast was burnt. Brett was practicing some music to get ready for service today. We both forgot about the toast. Burnt. Ruined. Done for. No salvaging.

Luckily, we still had some more bread. He threw the burnt toast away and stuck some more in the oven. That's kind of how the grace of God works. Getting a second chance.

Yes, there are times that we mess up and He still loves us anyway. Still gives us the blessings that we do not deserve. And still shows us His unending love. He still gives us that second chance.

However, just because He shows grace doesn't mean we have the right to mess up. If we know something is sinful, we shouldn't do it. The old saying "It's easier to ask for forgiveness later" doesn't work for us. We cannot intentionally sin and expect His great blessings. We should always strive to do what's right and stray far far away from sin.

2 Peter 1:2
Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

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