Monday, June 16, 2014

Devotional - Wives after God

A couple months ago I ordered a devotional called "Wives After God". It is such a great devotional for wives or for any woman that is engaged or even thinking of getting married one day. It is definitely not just for married women. Over the next 30 days I will be going through this devotional and showing you scripture as well as prayers that will transform your marriage. I know it has mine.

I want to encourage you to spend the next 30 days with me on this journey and keep a journal near by when reading these devotionals. You may or may not be use to spending quality time with God, but with this devotional you will be spending time with Him by reading His Word, praying and if you choose, journaling.

You should already know that I like giving challenges and these devotionals aren't going to be any different. There will be a challenge each day. I pray that you will take on each challenge!

If you don't have a bible, I will be putting the scripture up for you. If you do have one, I encourage you to keep it close by and journaling is strongly encouraged. Here is an example of how you can do it or you can use your own method.

1. What God is teaching you
2. Answer Questions
3. Prayer

Remeber: When you spend quality time with God, your relationship with Him changes dramatically. Your life will change.

So, will you join me on this 30 day journey?


  1. Looking forward to doing these devotions with you for the next 30 days

  2. I'm so glad that you are joining in!
