Thursday, June 26, 2014

On Display

[I decided to take a break from the Wives After God study and show you a little piece of my home and some thoughts on scripture.]
One thing that I think is very important in our walk with Christ is spending time with Him. Setting some time aside each day to get to know Him, read His word, talk to Him and listen to what He is trying to tell us. I know that life is really busy most of the time and not everyone sets aside that time. However, I do think we should always try for even a few minutes with Him. You wouldn’t want to miss out on time that you could be spending with your spouse. We should feel the same way about spending time with God.
When I go through different seasons of my life, God always gives me a verse and it helps me through that time in life. For instance, one verse that stuck out to me what John 16:33 “I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But that heart; I have overcome the world.” And that verse helped me go through a lot of times during that season.

 like to write that scripture or place it somewhere that I will see it daily. Like writing on my bathroom mirror, having it on my desktop at work, my background on my phone. Just to have a daily reminder of that verse that God has given me. Another way I like to display scripture in my home is to get the vinyl letters and put it on the wall. You can usually purchase them anywhere like target, hobby lobby, or Walmart.  Currently this is what is in our upstairs bathroom.

Just so we can both have a daily reminder to love everyone as Christ does. No matter how they look, how they act, what they've done, or said.

How do you display scripture? How do you show it as a daily reminder? Comment below and let me know!

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