When God made us, He was pretty detailed about everything in
us. Think about all of the bones, the organs, the body parts, the way you look.
All of those have such an incredible amount of detail. Not only did He have to
design each part, He had to create and make everything work like it should.
Each and every part of you that He created is what makes you so unique! He was
so intentional about your design and He was just as intentional with your
husband’s design.
God made 2: Male and female. Even though each man and each
woman have very different designs, we were both still made in His image. There
are details that make men different from women and details that make women
different from men. Which is very
important when it comes to marriage. I think we would all agree that both husband
and wife both desire love and respect. But men desire something different than
women and women desire something different from men. While us women desire to
be breathtakingly loved, men deeply desire to be respected.Men love respect. Giving them respect inspires them and gives them confidence that speaks to the deepest parts of their hearts that brings on the desire and confidence to lead. Women love love. When us women receive love we feel secure and accepted which draws us to want to serve as a helper.
Why is it that way you say? Why do women desire love and women desire respect? Because that is God’s amazing design for marriage. We are supposed to respect our husband through our actions and words and our husband is to love us unconditionally like Christ loves the Church.
This design isn’t always easy though. We are called to live out our roles as husbands and wives no matter what your spouse has done or even if they are living up to their part or not. I would say this is probably one of the most enormous obstacles we face in marriage. And it can really be hard if your spouse has ever hurt you before. Ephesians 5:21 can helps us get through this struggle.
Ephesians 5:21
“…submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
Challenge for today: Tell your spouse one reason that you
respect them.
Date: 06-18-14
What is God teaching
How does your husband show you love?
What is one thing your husband does that makes it hard for you to respect him?
How can you show your husband respect?
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