Monday, May 5, 2014

Finding Peace in Trying Times

For today's post, I'm going to get real personal with ya'll. I will always be open and honest with my readers and I have no intention of sugar coating anything that is ever posted.

Rolling back to when I was 18: 
When I was 18 I started having terrible pains in my ovaries. They would be sharp shooting pains like I was being stabbed. I saw a doctor about it and she told me that it was just cysts on my ovaries and that they would pop around certain times of the month which is normal. She prescribed me birth control and said it would help. (Throughout the years they have continued and since she said it was normal I just left it at that)

Moving forward to 2013:
Last year around this time I started having other issues going on. For instance, right before that 'time' my back and neck would hurt like something I have never felt before. I'm not talking normal back aches that some women get. I'm talking not being able to get out of bed and perform daily activities kind of thing. This lasted a couple months and I was prescribed different medicines each month to try to rid the pain. (Which I was being treated for UTI's.) The pain didn't return and I thought I was in the clear.

Moving forward to February 2014:
This past February, the back and neck pain started again. I was prescribed some medicine and was sent to a urologist to try to figure why I was having so many "UTI's". That doctor said that I was not having them and she didn't know what they were. 

Moving forward to March:
This past March the pain came back. This time my doctor tested me for different diseases through lots and lots of blood work. Everything came back normal. Was prescribed some other meds and sent on my way. I talked to one gynecologist and was told I needed to see a chiropractor. (Yeah, I definitely didn't believe him since he didn't even want to see me.) I saw another gynecologist and he was at a loss as to what is causing all of these problems. He suggested a colonoscopy. I left his office and just cried. I probably cried for a solid hour because I desperately wanted to know what was wrong and no one seemed to have any answers. (And still don't) When I saw the doctor for the colonoscopy he didn't think that was my problem and said we didn't need to do that and I was sent on my way. (I am not complaining about that one)

Moving forward to April:
Last month, that pain was back again (6th months total, 3 times in the last year). Running out of things to check for, my doctor ordered me a CT Scan. Thankfully, the scan came back clean. Nothing showed up and I was good to go. 

Throughout all of this time, my ovaries have continued to get worse and worse. Some days I don't want to do anything but lay on the heating pad on a couch all day long. Some days are better than others and I can function normally. I know that I have a job to do such as wife, mom, and a full time job. So I get up everyday and put my mind on the tasks at hand and just try to avoid the pain (ha).

This morning, I go to see another doctor in hopes of more answers. This will be my 5th doctor trying to find out what is going on. This whole last year has taught me at least one thing. It's not in my control. No matter what I do to try to fix it, prevent it, or what doctor I see, it's not in my control. It's all in God's hands. And there is absolutely nothing I can do to try and change that. I can't make the doctors tell me if they don't know and I surely can't change the results of whatever it may be. But I am now at peace with everything. I know that no matter what happens, God has a plan. Like I said, nothing I can do can change anything. If this doctor doesn't know, I will continue to find a doctor that will figure it out. If it is something that a little medicine or a procedure can fix, I am at peace. If the results come out terrible, I am at peace as well. I know that the one that loves me the most and has the best interest in mind will take care of me.  

God's word says:
Matthew 6:27 -
"And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"

No one. Worrying helps no one. Saves no one. Or gives anyone peace.

Which brings me to this verse:
Jeremiah 29:11 -
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you hope and a future."

He has a plan in whatever the outcome may be with this situation.  And with yours as well. I don't know your situation personally but He does. Trust in Him. He has a plan and will see it through. 


  1. Wow Lisa. I had no clue you were going through all of this. I just had my right ovary removed due to sharp pains. I tested negative for endometriosis but when they went in "just to look around" they discovered they had been wrong and I was eat up with endometriosis. I hope that gives you some hope. I love you and will continue to lift you up in prayer.

    1. Thank you. They aren't sure if it is endo or not but I am waiting on an apt date for laporoscopy. I'm not worried about it because I know God has it all under control.
