Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I know I haven't been posting like normal but I have been recovering from surgery and I am thankful that you have been patient with me through this healing process.

If you missed this post, you can go back and read it to gain background for this post.

This past Friday, I had a diagnostic laparoscopy done to try to figure out what was causing so much pain in my abdominal and pelvic area. Friday morning when I woke up I was calm and was very ready for the procedure to be done and over with. I wasn't nervous, anxious, or anything like that. I mainly was so desperate to figure out what had been causing the pain for so long. All day Friday I was pretty much on and coming off of pain meds from the surgery. So all of that is a complete blur and finally Saturday morning Brett was able to tell me what the doctor found out.

I'm no doctor so all of this is kind of new to me. Apparently your small intestine is just in your body floating around and that's how it was supposed to be.

**Background story. My freshman year of high school I had to have my appendix removed because it was causing so much pain and was on the verge of rupturing.**

Back to the surgery. Once I was filled with gas and tools inserted in my expanded stomach, the doctor saw that my small intestine wasn't just floating around like it should be. It was actually attached to where my appendix use to be. How gross. So there it is, just hanging out, attached, and growing to my pelvic wall. I honestly would have never guessed that would have been the cause of so much pain that I was enduring. Those two are now separated and will hopefully remain separated, forever.

Also while digging in my body, my doctor found some white spots on my uterus. She said that she didn't think it was anything to be worried about but she took a sample and is having it tested just in case.  I go back Friday morning for a follow up appointment which she will go into detail with me about everything and of course look at my battle wounds.

One thing I want you to learn from my experience is don't just avoid the pain. The pain is there and that means something is wrong. Don't just let doctors push you around, give you medicine, or send you to different doctors because they don't want to deal with it. Go with your gut instinct and rely on God. You know your body better than the doctors do and if there is pain, please have it seen about. Don't just settle for anything less than answers.

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