{This first thing I do is read the scripture.} Sometimes I will read the verse over and over again until I feel like I understand what is being said. you can read it silently or read it aloud. I prefer to read it silently a few times and if I still do not understand then I will read it out loud.
{The second thing I do is observe.} This is where I figure out what part of the verse or chapter that stood out to me. There are times when it is just a small word that stands out. While other times, the whole verse just blows my mind.
{The last thing I do is see how I can apply it to my everyday life.} Is what you read something you can use for your marriage? Friendships? Your job? Your ministry? Whatever verse you read can always be applied to your life in some way.
As you're going through the study, feel free to write things down. Some things that you may write down might not make sense but somewhere down the road, the light bulb will turn on and you can always go back and study again.
What happens if you read something and after much prayer and studying you still don't get it? Ask someone. Don't ever be ashamed in asking what something means. The only way to learn is it
Do you use this method? If not, how do you study the bible? Leave a comment below and let me know!
I read and then discuss what I've read with Anthony. He knows a lot about the bible and has really been a help in my wall with Christ.