Growing up, my parents taught my brother and me to very independent. I'm talking very independent. Probably so independent that I liked to change my own oil in my car. (I know, I know. But I enjoyed it) So we've established that I'm independent.
When Brett and I got married, I was still that much independent if not more now because I wanted to prove that just because I was married didn't mean I needed to lose my independence. And it is true. Many people, like me, think that once you're married you lose that independence and think you have to fully rely on your spouse. However, your husband is the head of the house hold and should be the one in charge.
Ephesians 5:22-24 -
"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband
is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his
body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ,
so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands."
It is clearly written that we are to submit to our husband as we submit to Christ. I do believe that if a situation arises, the husband and wife should discuss the situation and in the end the husband needs to be the one to make the final call. Because when we sit before the throne on judgement day, God is not going to ask us wives how we handled our household. He is going to turn to your husband and ask how he handled his own household.
But your husband is wrong? Yeah probably at times he may be wrong about something and you may be right. But in the end, we as wives are told to submit and support. Through the good times and bad. And when he is wrong what do you do? Chew up that pride and swallow it.
In Luke 22:39-46 we see where Jesus goes to the Mount of Olives and prays. He prays that God will take the cup from him (a symbolization of his future sacrifice) and whether God was to take it away or not, He would still make sacrifice.
To me, the is the perfect example of submission. Jesus asks for the future suffering be taken away but He would do it anyway. If Jesus can submit to that kind of pain and suffering, I can submit to my husband.
[*This post does not apply to anyone that is under any kind of abuse, mental or physical. If you or someone you know is under any kind of abuse, please seek help. You can go to your local police dept., shelter, or church. If you do not feel comfortable going to any of these, please contact me at, which is checked multiple times during the day, and we will get you the help that you need together.]
This is my devotional for this morning. Your blogs are a special part of my life