Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Little Bit of Time

Monday I wrote about my trip to Georgia to visit my great grandma. If you missed it, you can view it here.
One of the reasons I absolutely love going to down to Georgia is that I get something that I normally don’t have when I am at home.


There, I had all the time in the world. Time to think, pray, ponder, dream, play with my daughter without worrying about housework. I had time to shop and time to just be with family.

With all of the crazy fastness of the world, we normally run out of time in the day to get done all that we want to get done. I know as a wife and mom I want to have the house clean, cook, play, do laundry, get on pinterest, facebook, Instagram, and spend time with my husband and child all within the few short hours that I get when I am off of work.
And doing all of those things is okay. We should want our house clean, cook supper, have clean clothes, and most importantly spend time with our family. Those things are all what we want to do. But it sometimes feels impossible to get it all done. But those things also consume us a good part of the time and we forget that we need to just stop occasionally and take it all in.

And that’s what I did in Georgia. I took it all in.
I spent time with family. Watched laughter, heard stories, and looked at old family pictures. Things that is just super hard to do with all the things that we have to do throughout the day. And you know what the best part was? It was so relaxing. A lot of times when we go on trips we feel like we need another day to relax from the trip but on this one was all relaxing. I didn’t have to worry about the house being clean, doing laundry, and since I couldn’t use the internet there was no facebook, Instagram and pinterest to take up my time.

Here’s my challenge to you today:
When you get home from work or church or whatever you’re doing today, go home. Just go, don’t turn the tv on, don’t get on your phone, don’t worry about the house. Just enjoy your little time that you have left of the day by yourself or with your family. Tell each other about your day, reminisce, dream. Just do it together. Don’t let this fast pace life take all of your time and you lose those moments with your family. We only have a little bit of time during the day, enjoy it while you can.

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