Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dirty Glasses

Here lately I have been getting headaches almost every day. (If it’s not one thing wrong it’s another right?) It has been about a year since I had an eye exam so I figured it was getting close to time for another. I went this morning for my exam. I have been wearing glasses for the last year and I figured why not try contacts? I wouldn’t have to worry about them falling off, taking them off to clean them, and so on and so on. The exam went smoothly and quickly. I do have contacts now and can see more clearly than ever. I struggled to put them in at first but everyone says it gets easier.
Sometimes we think we are seeing something so clearly but we aren’t really seeing clearly at all.

I thought my glasses were helping me to see well. When in reality, it wasn’t doing much good at all. One of my eyes sees far off and the other sees close up. Glasses do get dirty pretty easily and you do have to clean them probably daily. All the dirty and grittiness on the glasses can distort your vision. Causing you to see a tad blurry.
When you think you see something so clearly, the only way to know for sure is to turn to the One who can clear your obstructed views.
Maybe you have to make an important decision and you don’t know which way to go. Turn to God. Ask Him to remove anything that may cause you to see things that aren’t really there, to remove and dirt and grittiness that may hinder this decision.  And ask Him to make the way so clear that you know without a doubt which way to go in the decision making.


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